Thursday, December 30, 2010

Toy Story 3

Well, the other day, we watched Toy Story 3.

Hm. Aside from being one of the saddest movies I've seen in a looong time, and rather scary, I liked it.

It has been years and years since I've seen the first two, but I am pretty sure I liked them better than I liked this one.

I go ahead and get the downsides over with.

It was just plain sad. Period. Every thing about it was sad. That Andy was grown up and leaving. Leaving his mom, leaving his toys, just leaving. It was sad. And the tragic villain, that was sad, too. Secondly, it was scary. I can take scary, don't get me wrong. But this was just scary. When they were all about to get melted. I really didn't like that part. At all. And the guard monkey was really, really creepy. Big time.

Now the good sides. It was awesome. Woody, Buzz, all of them, they were just awesome. The Barbie and Ken thing was really great. And Andy...Way. Awesome. 17yr-old. Liked him. And Buzz doing the tango? Can you beat that? Priceless. It was a really sweet movie and the end was happy.

I really liked the movie. Lots of great lines and clever characters.

These were my two favorite lines.

Rex: Woody, it's nice... See, the door has a rainbow on it.


Chunk: He ain't the sharpest knife in the... place where... they keep the knives...


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