Friday, June 24, 2011

Animation Errors

You may not know this, but for quite a while last year, Kae and I enjoyed watching the old Transformers show from the 80's. I say "enjoyed" 'cause, well, we watched all of the episodes and have other stuff to now.

Anyhow, the other day I was watching one episode ("Heavy Mettle War"). It was funny, really, because it seemed more like kids playing than like a TV show. I hope that makes sense.

But anyhow, the show is from the 80's so there are LOTS of animation errors. Some of them little and understandable. Others just like small mistakes. Others are MAJOR!

Like this.

The one on the right is the real Starscream.

I really don't see how they could have made so big a mistake. But, to me, out of context, it is a very funny picture. You know, did Starscream's long lost twin show up? Is it a clone of him? (That actually did happen in one episode...) Is it one of Hound's holographs? The possibilities are endless.

Yeah, I am just rambling, you really weren't meant to take anything from that...


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