Thursday, June 30, 2011

X-Men: First Class

I really haven't been planing to see X-Men First Class in the movie theater, but I decided that I wanted to. So I got my wonderful mother to take me to see. We went and saw it day before yesterday.


Of course, that is not saying overly much, as the others were less than stellar. But is was an Awesome movie.

They really did a splendid job of it. It was also very refreshing the way they focused on less-used X-Men (Havoc, Banshee, Angel (The girl Angel, not the guy Angel). But the Erik Lensherr, Charles Xavier, Mystique, and Beast were all simply wonderfully done. Erik and Charles especially.

The bad guys in this movie though...*shudder*...just pure, raw, CREEPY!!! I haven't had any bad dreams about Azazel, but I am sure it is only a matter of time. Teleporting is awesome (Nightcrawler is one of my top ten favorite superheroes) but Azazel was just super creepy. 0_0

Emma Frost stank.

Riptide literately never said anything, and that kinda makes him creepy, but not overly much. And why would you call someone Riptide who makes whirlwinds? That I don't get. But he was still creepy.

Their leader, I won't even talk about.

Enough said of the bad guys.

Havoc was kinda a jerk, but not annoying. I really liked Darwin. But he was in the movie for maybe five minutes. :\ Banshee was...I'm really not sure how to describe him. I liked Mystique as a good guy, but I liked her as a bad guy in the other movies as well (Shape-shifting is also very awesome). Beast, was...great, really. Just great. He was different than what I normally think of Beast as being like (I always think of him as he is in X-Men: Evolution: an epic chemistry/gym teacher.) so, having him as a quaint geek was very interesting. Yeah, he was my favorite of the young mutants in the movie.

You could feel Erik Lensherr's pain. I mean really, really feel it. I know I could. Michael Fassbender did a phenomenal job. I mean, it wasn't as good as, say, Heath Ledger's Joker, or even Tom Hiddleston's Loki, but I would
definitely an excellent performance worthy of note. I'd put him as third greatest super-villain performance, only I don't think of Magneto as a villain.

Charles Xavier...well, lemme put it this way: I think I'm in love. Ah, he was perfect, and, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my favorite character in the movie. I always liked him in the other X-Men movies, old, bald, and played by the amazing Patric Stewart, and seeing him young makes me like him all the more. Professor X is just such a peaceful person. He doesn't like for there to be fighting and conflict, but that isn't what I mean when I say he is a peaceful person, I mean on the inside he is very serene.

X-Men: First Class was very interesting, but it was also sad. Tragic, might be a better word. Tragic, because Erik and Charles lead together so well, and that they are on apposing sides.

I loved the movie, it's a special movie.


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