Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2011, And the Potentially Epic Movies Therein

I've got to say this, 2011 hast to be the best year for awesome movies. OK, movies that might be awesome. Emphasis on the 'might', I haven't seen any of them yet, but it is only a matter of time.

Okay, I have to confess, I used to think Captain America had to be one of the tackiest sounding superheroes there was. I am slowly but surely changing my mind about this and am
totally looking forward to this new movie. I get the feeling it is just going to be dripping with amazing...but I really couldn't say.

True, I don't think Chris Evans is great, but I think he'll do an awesome job. And Redscull is looking epic, badguy epic, that is. But yeah, I am really excited about this movie and am really hoping I'll get to see it in the theater (*
hint hint* dear mother).

Transformers:The Dark of the Moon. I really am actually not looking forward to it. But I might as well, seeing as how I am going to have to see it. (Kae is, after all, a devout Transformers FanGirl.) I'm mostly just worried that Michael Bay will kill off some of the 'Bots I like. (Read: Bumblebee, Optimus, Ironhide, that cool new 'Bot call Sentinel Prime, or anybody else.) And the new girlfriend looks vaguely demented and like she ran into a wall mouth first. The movie does have a good bit of potential, but then again, the other TF movies did, too. We'll see. If nothing else it will be epic to see the transformers on the big screen. 0_0

I don't intend to see X-Men: First Class in the theater (I'm actually not that big of an X-Men fan), but I really want to when it comes out in Redbox. I quite honestly think it looks like it is going to be the bet X-Men movie yet. Why? They finally made the X-Men actually look like the X-Men. They are wearing blue and yellow uniforms, like the X-Men are supposed to!!! I was really, really excited when I saw that.

So yeah, I'm thinking this is gonna be cool. And the fact that Jean Grey isn't in it doesn't hurt any.

So, of all these potentially awesome movies coming out, which one am I most looking forward to?

(*soft chuckle*)

When I first saw the trailer for Thor, I watched l six times in a row. Yeah. And countless more times after that.

I have to say, if this movie is anything close to as cool as it looks like it is going to be, it is going to be The. Most. Awesome. Movie. EVER. I am so serious.

I really can't get over how awesome I think it is going to be.

This my friends, is the Year of MARVEL. (No offense, DC fan.) Oh, and so is 2012, but I'll get to that when it is not so far off.

As my friend the Night Writer said, "It's a GREAT age to be a nerd."


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