Sunday, November 7, 2010


Okay, maybe I should rewind a bit.

I was casually going about me morning routine, making plans for taking Kae's computer while she was asleep (Which didn't work, BTW.), innocently going out to feed my pets, when I saw it.

DUN DUN DAAAA (Dramatic music.) The cat's water dish was covered with a good sized layer of ice. The first this year.


So it begins.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know: like half of my readers already have snow. But for us, down here.

So it begins.



Anonymous said...

Why does everyone hate winter??? I was so glad last evening when someone told us that she hopes we'll enjoy the winters up here because they are beautiful!

~ A.K. ~

Julie said...

I don't hate winter. Exactly. I just wasn't expecting that much ice this soon. AND ALSO!!!!! we don't get much snow like you do, so winter is just cold and really really ugly. :/

Enjoy it, Aunt K.
